1/13/17 - 4/30/17

Elizabeth Gallerani
Curator of Mellon Academic Programs

Object Lab is both a hybrid gallery-classroom and a responsive pedagogical platform. Each semester, faculty across academic divisions collaborate with museum staff to select works of art that employ, convey, investigate or interpret key course concepts. These works of art are then presented in a course-specific installation, offering students and faculty extended access to works of art as visual texts. Throughout the semester, students return to the space for assignments such as empirical experiments testing neuroscience theories, weekly journals about form and original context, line drawings, and re-imaginings of literary characters. 

Course descriptions written by participating faculty provide a public window into the course content and how students are engaging with the art. We share behind-the-scenes information about class visits and student projects on social media—search #ObjectLabWCMA on Instagram to see how Williams students are using Object Lab for liberal arts learning.

This is the fourth iteration of Object Lab.

Courses using Object Lab in Spring 2017

Africana Studies 211
Race and the Environment, Professor James Manigault-Bryant

Art History 103
Asian Art Survey, Professor Scarlett Jang

Art History 230
The Temple in South Asia, Professor Heeryoon Shin

Art History 263
Introduction to Contemporary Art: Institutions and Upsetters, Professor Brynn Hatton

Art History 308
African Art and the Western Museum, Professor Michelle Apotsos

Biology 220
Field Botany and Plant Natural History, Professor Joan Edwards

Neuroscience 318
Image, Imaging, and Imagining: The Brain and Visual Arts, Professor Betty Zimmerberg

Psychology 328
Understanding Attention and Distraction, Professor Jeff Moher